-Shoeless Joe


While sitting on the front porch of his Iowa farm house, out of nowhere Ray Kinsella hears a baseball announcer’s voice tell him, “If you build it, he will come.” Immediately, Ray envisions the baseball stadium he will build instead of planting corn. “He” is Shoeless Joe Jackson, who had been disgraced in the Black Sox Scandal of 1919 but who maintained his innocence for the rest of his life and whom Ray and his father both admired. Shoeless Joe is the first novel of Canadian author W. P. Kinsella. Kinsella would publish two more novels and many more short stories about baseball as well as publishing many stories and novels about the indigenous peoples of Canada.

W.P. Kinsella, 1935–2016
Shoeless Joe
New York: Ballantine Books, 1983.

Lehigh University Catalog Record: https://asa.lib.lehigh.edu/Record/357254

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