Green Action and the Environmental Coalition

Current Student Environmental Action


The Environmental Coalition (ECo) was created through the efforts of Alice Kodama and Nick Kastango in 2008. ECo was developed to serve as a "focal point for collaboration among clubs and organizations for any and all green efforts on campus." The group also served the role of being an educational clearinghouse on environmental issues and liaison between the student body and LEAG, the Lehigh Environmental Advisory Group. In December 2009, ECo's functions were temporarily folded into Green Action, Lehigh's student environmental group.

Green Action is focused on raising awareness of environmental issues on Lehigh's campus, working with administration and students to participate in eco-friendly programs. Green Action students promote sustainability on campus and within the community. They also attend national and state-wide conferences to learn more about the environment, lobby US Senators, and protest America's less environmentally friendly activities. Recently on campus, Green Action has performed waste audits, sent photo petitions to Pennsylvania U.S. Senators, promoted plastic bag recycling and reusable take-out containers, among other actions.

For more on Green Action, view their Facebook page at: