Bayer Galleria of Rare Books

Exit the west stairwell

Immediately to your left is the Bayer Galleria of Rare Books. This room was originally designed as a museum gallery, with paintings and sculptures around its perimeter. The walls of the room are now occupied with book cases holding Special Collections materials. In particular, the Galleria houses the Local History collection as well as many University publications such as the Alumni Bulletins, Epitome Yearbooks, Brown and White Newspapers, and more.

This room is used for Special Collections library instruction and as a reading room for Special Collections researchers. Pictured is a campus resource tour held for first year students at the beginning of every fall semester. This event shows hundreds of new Lehigh students what the Libraries and Special Collections has to offer them in their studies.

Exit the Galleria to continue exploring the 3rd floor

The Galleria space is used to access Special Collections material near and far, even for remote instruction during COVID-19.