Henry Miller Shreve


Louis C. Hunter. Steamboats on the Western Rivers; an Economic and Technological History. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1949.

Henry Miller Shreve (1785-1851): River Commerce

Shreve was raised in western Pennsylvania, where he worked as a trader on boats and barges on regional rivers. In 1807 he inaugurated the fur trade between St. Louis and Philadelphia, by way of Pittsburgh, and in 1810 he began carrying lead from Galena, Ill., near the upper Mississippi. He became a stockholder and skipper of the Enterprise (the second steamboat on the Mississippi), carrying supplies in 1814 for Andrew Jackson’s army and taking part himself in the Battle of New Orleans. In May 1815 the Enterprise with Shreve at the helm became the first steamboat to ascend the Mississippi and Ohio to Louisville, Kentucky. Shreve, however, saw the need for an entirely new design for river steamers and had built to his specifications the Washington, with a flat, shallow hull, a high-pressure steam engine on the main deck instead of in the hold, and a second deck. His round trip in the Washington in 1816 from Pittsburgh to New Orleans and back to Louisville definitely established the Mississippi steamboat type.

In 1827 Shreve was appointed superintendent of western river improvements and designed the first snag boat to remove from the river system the sunken tree trunks that often wrecked steamboats. In the 1830s he undertook the removal of an accumulated underwater obstruction of the Red River known as the Great Raft; his success opened northern Louisiana to development, and his work camp turned into a permanent settlement established as Shreveport.

Shown is an image of the design for Shreve’s snag boat.