-West African Narratives of Slavery


This collection of five previously unpublished or untranslated slave narratives records the experiences of West Africans who experienced enslavement within Africa. Greene acknowledges and analyzes the impact of the translator/recorder, who was often not the former slave, on what are deeply personal narratives. She asks us to consider how these experiences of enslavement were influenced by the enslaved person’s pre- and post-enslavement life. How did the enslaved person choose to remember or forget his/her enslavement? How did their enslavement influence their community?

Sandra E. Greene.
West African Narratives of Slavery: Texts From Late Nineteenth- and Early Twentieth-century Ghana. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2011.

Lehigh University Catalog Record: https://asa.lib.lehigh.edu/Record/1119932

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