Caspar Plautius, Abbot of Seitenstetten (fl. 1621)

Caspar Plautius, Abbot of Seitenstetten (fl. 1621). Nova Typis Transacta Navigatio. Novi Orbis Indiæ Occidentalis…Novi Mundi barbaras gentes Christi S. Evangelium praedicandi gratia delegatorum Sacerdotum Dimissi per S.D.D. Papam Alexandrum VI., [n.p.]: 1621.

The author, Plautius, was abbot of the Benedictine monastery Seitenstetten in Austria. This chronicle of selected Benedictine Missions shows both native and European dress encountered on travels to the Americas, including Peru and the West Indies. New World exploration and interactions were increasingly well documented in the decades following Columbus’s discovery. In this work, a series of nineteen plates depicts these interactions with extensive detail of Native American and European attire.